NOTICE: Water Main Replacement Project
The ongoing city water main replacement project is reaching a crucial point that will require the contractor to perform connections to the existing water distribution system. These connection projects will be performed on Monday 6/3/2024 and Tuesday 6/4/2024.
The process of making these connections will involve turning water main valves off and on as needed to isolate connection points and may cause disruptions in water service that can be city wide for short periods of time. Customers that can be affected for 2 or more hours will be notified by the contractor. The process of redirecting water flow in the mainlines can also stir up sediment in the water distribution system resulting in discolored water.
Royal City Public Works personnel and the contract company will be working in close communication and coordination to mitigate the impact to our customers.
We thank you for your patience and support in our efforts to improve our city water system infrastructure