Garbage pickup is early Monday morning for residential areas. Please make sure your garbage can is out Sunday the night before.
Larger containers are also available. Please contact the clerk at City Hall to get more information. See the garbage rates in the document labeled Garbage Rates 2020.
Fees for the Bulk Waste Program
Current Utility Customers:
Quarter Load |
$5 |
Half Load |
$10 |
Full Load |
$20 |
Oversized load |
$40 |
Non-Utility Customers:
Quarter Load |
$10 |
Half Load |
$20 |
Full Load |
$40 |
Oversized load |
$80 |
*Load size is compared to a typical pickup bed or standard 4’ x 8’ utility trailer. Estimated by City Staff. Only approved waste will be accepted and allowed to be dumped, call city hall with questions.